33 and Cancer-Free!: Monday, August 24, 2009

It's my birthday today. And while I still have two more cycles of chemo to endure, I am 33 and (detectable) cancer-free! It feels great to celebrate a new year...and boy, there has been A LOT of celebrating going on around here! I don't know about you but I like celebrating birthdays in a big way -- not just on the actual birthday but throughout the birthday week. I started celebrating this birthday on Friday and will continue until my next treatment on Wednesday. I'm happily exhausted from a weekend of dinners out, parties for the very young and the young at heart, crab feasts, barbecue by the pool, etc. There are photos to share of all of the festivities but since there are two more celebrations today, I'm going to wait to post everything tomorrow when it's all winding down.

Thank you to all of my great friends and family who helped me celebrate over the weekend and again today! You all mean the world to me and I so appreciate everything you've done for me -- not just this past weekend but throughout my life and especially over the last six months.