Three Down, Three To Go!: Friday, June 5, 2009

What better way to spend a rainy Friday than to get your third round of chemo, right? Seriously, I'm pretty happy to head in for the half-way point treatment (well, at least half-way in terms of my chemo treatments...there's still that second surgery looming, too!).

I'm going to try and take some photos of my chemo nurses and the chemo room today so that everyone can visualize the scene in the room. Sometimes when I'm in that room (or, in Dr. E's waiting room, too) I feel like I am the answer to that stanardized test question we all had growing know the old, "Which one doesn't belong in this group?" I'd say 95% of the women receiving treatment are over 40 with at least 85% over the of 55. However, the last time I was in to get my labs done, there was a high schooler in the room receiving her drugs through a mediport. Can you imagine trying to cope with the trials of high school "sexting" while at the same time dealing with those of cancer treatment? I was very sad to see her in there. By the way, I have resisted getting a mediport everytime one of my nurses has suggested it because I feel as though it will just be another reminder of how sick I am when I'm trying to lead a "normal" life in between treatments. It would probably make life a lot easier during each treatment since I have such small veins that all seem to like to play hide-n-seek with my nurses but so far, I'm not ready to budge.

So, wish me luck with number three and I'll try to post an update and the photos before I head over to Kristin and Shawn's for a fun group dinner this evening. Oh, and I'll also be sure to get some photos of some of my nurses fighting over the delicious heath bar crunch oatmeal cookies Melissa S. made for them today! Thanks, Melissa!

1 comment:

  1. Has it been 21 days already? I'm so glad you are halfway done with chemo now! See you soon!
